Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Lowongan Kerja 2011 PT Ajinomoto Indonesia sebagai Menu Applicator

Lowongan Kerja 2011 PT Ajinomoto Indonesia sebagai Menu Applicator - We are a well established Japanese Multinational Company which started our business inIndonesia since 1969. For over 100 years we commit to promote healthy life by giving delicious taste through our products such as AJI NO MOTO, Masako, Sajiku, Saori, Calpico, Birdy. In PT. AjinomotoIndonesia, we offer career opportunities, and chances for each employee to improve their skills and abilities through trainings that we organize. We are seeking suitable candidates for the following positions:

Menu Applicator (MA)


  • Male/Female, Age 23-35 years old, English active
  • Able to cook especially Indonesian Cuisine
  • Min D3 in Food & Beverage Service Management, Hospitality Hotel Management / Cookery
  • Creative or have an idea to make or combineIndonesiaor other countries fusion
  • Interested in the cuisine of domestic and foreign (Chinese,Western,Japan,ThailandandVietnam)
  • Interested in culinary business (Especially hotel, Restaurant, Catering business)
  • Having experience in domestic or foreign restaurant/hotel will be an advantage
  • Fresh Graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply

Put the position code on your email subject and send it to:

PT Ajinomoto Sales Indonesia

not later than 18th December 2011

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