Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Lowongan Kerja Oil & Gas PT Badak NGL- TRAINEES MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2011 (Untuk D3 dan S1)

PT Badak NGL - Badak NGL is one of the Indonesian based energy company. The Company engaged in LNG business. PT Badak NGL was establised on 1974 following the discovery of a large gas deposit in Muara Badak area, East Kalimantan. PT Badak NGL ' s share holders are PT Pertamina ( Persero ) with 55 % total shares, France ' s oil company Total E&P Indonesie 10 % shares, the United States of America ' s VICO with 25 % shares, and Japan ' s JILCO with 15 % shares. The Company based in Jakarta and its plants located in Bontang, East Kalimantan. The Company ' s plant become one of LNG plants with great experience in the world LNG industry, and become a vital asset for Indonesian LNG business chain. located in the City Bontang - East Kalimantan, is one of the best companies in the LNG pengahasil duina with the mission of producing energy (LNG) is safe, reliable, efficient, environmentally friendly, the maximum priority to the empowerment of human resources by implementing a safety and health standards and enhance national economic growth as well as satisfying the parties concerned (stakeholders).
In order to support the mission of the above PT. Badak NGL will recruit the best sons and daughters to the students to be potential participants "Trainees Management for Operators", with the following criteria:


General Requirements
  • Male with max age 25 years old on 31 october 2011
  • Hold minimum Diploma III majoring from: Chemical Engineering, Chemical Analysis, Engineering Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Oil and Gas Processing Engineering with min GPA 2.50
  • Willing to follow the program for 18 Months
If you are interested and would like to join the program MT PT Badak NGL,Please see the official info more info via the SAC ITS below.Closing date 14 December 2011. Only short-listed candidates will notified.

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